Opening Files Previous Top Next

There are four ways to open a file in MetaX:
  1. Drag a file into the write queue.
  2. Drag it onto the icon used for starting MetaX (Windows 7 note: If you pin MetaX to the taskbar and you just drag a file to the icon, it will add it to the jump list. If you want to open it, hold down the shift key when dropping).
  3. Use the standard file open menu.
  4. Drop a validation file created by MovieLibrary onto the write queue.
There are three types of files that MetaX supports: Movies, TV Shows and Music Videos. tagChimp will do a better job of searching if it knows what type the file is. So there is a preference in MetaX to set a default file type if there isn’t a file type tag in the file. The default is to prompt the user, but this can be set to any of the three file types and any file that is opened that does not have a tag for type will be set to that type. If you open multiple files at once, you can set them all to a particular type by checking the box to use this type for all selected files.